Rue Royale 45, 1st floor, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

EFBWW policy demands

The EFBWW is strong contributor to the ETUC´s More Democracy at Work campaign. The goal is to push the European Commission, Parliament and Council to revise the EU´s framework for information, consultation and participation in favour of workers. Particularly, the EFBWW demands a revision of the EWC directive 2009/38/EC. Together with the other European sectoral trade union federations and the ETUC we have formulated 10 demands to change the directive.

The EFBWW calls for:

  • effective  and  dissuasive sanctions WHEN COMPANIES DISREGARD EWC RIGHTS, including a right to a temporary suspension of company decisions.
  • Ensuring  access  to  justice AND LITIGATION FOR  EWCs  and  Special Negotiating  Bodies  (SNBs).
  • The role of “representatives of competent recognised Community-level trade union organisations” TO be reflected in the subsidiary requirements.
  • Efficient   coordination   between   local,   national   and   European levels. AN EWC must deliver its opinion before consultation is finished, be able to communicate with the national level AND HAVE THE necessary resources and rights, such as access to sites.
  • A  comprehensive  definition  of  “controlling  undertaking”  to  include  contract management, franchise systems and joint ventures. Objective criteria to determine the location of the “representative agent” and “central management” to avoid regime shopping and use of letterbox companies.
  • STOPP exempting old, so-called voluntary (Pre-Directive,  “Article  13”)  agreements. END  Double  standards  AND BRING  them  into  the  scope  of  the  Directive.
  • Improve and clarify the rules for negotiations with SNB (clear timeframe for the first SNB  meeting,  pace  of  SNB  meetings,  clear  obligation  of  central  management  to establish an EWC if subsidiary requirements are to apply.
  • The concept of “transnational character of a matter” (recitals 12 and 16) should be consolidated and incorporated in the main body of the Directive.
  • Prevent the abuse  of  confidentiality  clauses  by  clarifying  more  precisely  on  what grounds,  under  what  circumstances  and  how  long  a  company  may  withhold information.
  • Strengthen  the  subsidiary  requirements  to  improve  thepractical  functioning  of  the EWC (e.g. rights and means of Select Committee, enlarged list of topics).