Rue Royale 45, 1st floor, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

European Works Councils

European Works Councils (EWCs) are forums for transnational workers solidarity. EWCs can influence multinational companies´ decisions when they are grounded in a strong trade union network.

EFBWW support for EWC

The EFBWW supports EWCs in the construction, building materials and wood sectors.

EFBWW policy demands

The EFBWW is strong contributor to the ETUC´s More Democracy at Work campaign. The goal is to push the European Commission, Parliament and Council to revise the EU´s framework for information, consultation and participation in favour of workers. Particularly, the EFBWW demands a revision of the EWC directive 2009/38/EC. Together with the other European sectoral trade union federations and the ETUC we have formulated 10 demands to change the directive.