The EFBWW supports EWCs in the construction, building materials and wood sectors in several ways:
- National EWC coordinators of the EFBWW help EWCs fulfilling their tasks, in cooperation with the national trade union of the coordinator and the EFBWW secretariat. The EFBWW has developed internal Guidelines for Trade Union Coordinators in EWCs.
- The EFBWW provides practical tools which can be used by the workers´ representatives: The EFBWW´s Practical Guide on Information and Consultation for EWCs is available in several languages. New EFBWW projects on Strategies on Targeted Information and Consultation for health and safety, demographic change, skills and qualifications, and subcontracting and on Workers´ Rights in Supply Chains in the Construction Industry will develop new tools at service of EWCs. The projects receive funding from the European Commission and will be completed by 2021.
- We support the EWC members in our sectors to receive the education and training they need to fulfil their tasks. Among others, we cooperate with the EWC training department of the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI).
- Strong EWC agreements are needed for EWCs to work effectively. The EFBWW has developed internal Guidelines for contents of EWC agreements.
- The EFBWW organised a webinar with Bruno Demaître from the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI). The webinar gave recommendations for European Works Councils (EWCs) through Covid-19 and Brexit. The video recordings of the webinar are now available: