Authors: Jan Cremers, Peter Donders
The creation of the internal market and the introduction of the free movement principles have had an impact on all industries. With regard to the free movement of workers construction is a key industry that has been faced with an enormous challenge since the opening up of the European market.
Early research by the services of the European Commission made it very clear: mobility over national borders is low in the European labour market, but, if it happens, it takes place either at management level in all industries or on building sites everywhere in Europe.
The EU Posting Directive, discussed since the late 1980s, touches the heart of construction industry activities. The idea behind the Directive is the need to create a basic frame of equal treatment principles within the territory where (building) work is undertaken.
CLR Studies 4 is dedicated to an analysis of the implemented Directive in 10 countries. The study includes common conclusions and recommendations as formulated in a joint statement by the European social partners of the construction industry.