Rue Royale 45, 1st floor, 1000 Brussels, Belgium


Safe workplaces for all

In our sectors, it is not easy to start a debate with our members on inclusion and diversity which they, very often, consider a highbrow topic. It is much easier to discuss with them concrete issues that happen on a day to day basis. Situations such as discrimination (on the basis of gender, sex, race, religion etc) or when people are being bullied, (sexually) harassed or intimidated by a colleague or a boss. It is a fact that vulnerable workers or people with a disadvantaged position (women, migrant workers, people with disabilities or from the LGBTI community1) are much more confronted with that behaviour than the worker that is considered the standard (in our sector). Although we are aware that the sector needs to work on its ‘attractiveness’ it is still (2023) a very traditional sector. The next EFBWW congress period is the perfect opportunity to have a look at the new EU OSH strategic framework 2021 – 2027 to see how workplace violence, harassment and discrimination are included in this framework.

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Trade union freedom

Trade unions are a fundamental pillar of democracy, enabling workers to fully participate in public debate and in the social choices made at local, national and European level. The interests of workers often conflict with those of employers, and it is only through a free confrontation of these points of view that we can hope to achieve a democratic synthesis. But the importance of trade union freedom in Europe and beyond is under attack both culturally and politically, putting the democratic future of our societies at risk, through preventive or punitive judicial measures, fascist attacks on trade unions and the general criminalisation of dissent to right-wing and far-right narratives and policies.

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Putting an end to exploitation of workers on the construction sites

Motion aiming at improving the tools for detecting and punishing cases of worker exploitation; calling the EU to take new initiatives to better regulate the internal market and the free movement of services, also taking into account the fraud-sensitive nature of certain industries, including the construction industry, so as to ensure respect for workers' labour rights and social protection.

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30 Years of the EU Internal Market - Urgent Reforms Needed for Construction Workers

As we mark the 30th anniversary of the EU Internal Market, it is crucial to ask: What is there truly to celebrate for construction workers? For many construction workers, 30 years of Internal Market have meant less social protection, downward pressure on salaries, more precarious jobs and worsening working conditions.

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Yes to a functioning internal market

In order to put working people at the centre, the EFBWW is establishing a functioning internal market at three points.
1. Fair work

2. Fair procurement

3. Fair wages

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Call for action in solidarity with the Ukrainian population, to facilitate the rebuilding of critical electrical infrastructure in the country

Resolution focusing on the needs for a greater cooperation between electricians within the EFBWW, with a primary target to join together in addressing the immediate needs of and give courage and hope to the population of Ukraine.

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Statement on the Finnish government’s restrictions of workers’ fundamental rights

The Congress of the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers call upon the Finnish government to revoke the proposed cuts that have a profound impact on Finnish workers’ fundamental rights. Weakening of employment conditions, restrictions on the right to strike and cuts in social security will hit employees and the unemployed hard.

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