Rue Royale 45, 1st floor, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Reports and Studies

Toolkit of the EFBWW and FIEC to tackle undeclared work in the construction industry


The EU-funded TUWIC project aimed to facilitate the implementation of an holistic approach on undeclared work (UDW) in the construction sector. The project was rolled out in seven Member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Romania and Spain). In each country, construction trade unions, employer federations and enforcement authorities worked together to develop a range of policy initiatives spanning the full spectrum of possible action to tackle undeclared work in the construction sector. 

The joint toolkit (see downloads) exemplifies what can be achieved through tripartite cooperation and how social partners can play a leading role
in transforming undeclared work into declared work.

Given that over a fifth (21 %) of undeclared jobs in Europe are in the construction sector, taking forward these TUWIC policy initiatives will have a significant impact on the European undeclared economy.

In the framework of the TUWIC project, the EFBWW and FIEC also agreed on a joint statement to tackle UDW in construction, with 10 specific recommendations. 

Other promotional material (posters and promotional movie) is available below: 

Download our posters in DE, NL, FR, IT, ESP, RO, ESP and BUL



Download the promotional movie in DE, NL, FR, IT, RO, ESP and BUL 



You can also download the national video statements of the social partners of the construction industry in cooperation with the labour inspectorates of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania and Spain.