In January, Bouygues has been convicted by the Court de Cassation of Cherbourg (France) to pay a fine of 29,950 euros for concealed work.
This emblematic case in France mirrors the growing number of cases of labour exploitation of posted workers in the European Union through temporary employment agencies. And demonstrates how lucrative it is for unscrupulous companies in the construction industry to exploit vulnerable posted workers.
We urge the European Commission to improve the coordination of social security system across borders and we demand more and better tools for controls and effective enforcement with sanctions that are dissuasive. At the same time, this case shows also again the need for new initiatives against fraudulent agencies and letterbox companies. Something the EFBWW will continue to push for.
The EFBWW urges the EC to resume and end the trialogue negotiations for a revised Regulation on the coordination of social security systems which have been at a standstill since December 2019. The revised Regulation should ensure social protection for posted workers and fight cross-border fraud.
Read the full press release here
French version here