Rue Royale 45, 1st floor, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Reports and Studies

BOLSTER-UP Handbook for European Furniture Professions


Transparency for Upholstering and Cabinet Making Qualifications and Quality in the European Furniture Industry - Bolster Up

This handbook is a result of the Leonardo da Vinci project “Transparency for Upholstering and Cabinet Making qualifications and quality in the European furniture industry –Bolster Up II”. The project mainly aimed to the recognition of qualifications and competencies in two professions in the industrial furniture sector, cabinet making and upholstery, by enhancing their  transparency and comparability and establishing joint, mutually recognized European core profiles.

These core profiles will support the activities to raise the quality of existing national VET programmes for cabinet making and upholstery by contributing to mobility through recognition of the identified common core profiles within Europe. For the future there is a high potential to use the results out of the Bolster Up project to enhance the profiles to real European core profiles with pathways of recognition. Therefore the involvement of more EU countries is recommended.

This publication focusses on the project documents we developed –they may be useful for others working with a similar issue –and the results surrounding the VET of these two occupations. The project also involved other subjects such as the issues of certification, implementation and improving the mutual trust of all actors involved. If you are interested in reading more about this project, please consult our website