The European Sectoral Social Dialogue (ESSD) for the woodworking sector started in 1994 with a memorandum of understanding between EFBWW and CEI-Bois. Download here the memorandum of understanding.
The social partners for the furniture sector are UEA and EFIC.
The representativeness of the European Social Partners is regularly verified by Eurofound. Here you can download the study for the woodworking sector and the furniture sector.
On the formal website of the European Sectorial Social Dialogue Committee for the woodworking sector and the furniture sector you can find more information about these ESSD.
Each year in spring and autumn the social partners have a joint working group meeting on occupational safety and health and vocational training. In May the plenary meetings of the ESSD for wood and furniture take place.
The social partners for the furniture sector agreed on a work programme for 2025-2029.
The social partners for the woodworking sector agreed on a work programme for 2024-2029.
OUTCOMES OF THE ESSD Wood and furniture
2020 - EPF EFBWW CEI-Bois FEP EOS Joint position paper on the Renovation Wave Strategy
2020 - Joint statement EFBWW and EFIC on digitalisation
2020 - Joint statement on Covid-19
2019 - Letter of the social partners in the furniture sector on chemicals in furniture
2018 - Joint statement of the social partners in the furniture sector on flame retardents
2018 - Joint statement on Occupational Safety and Health
2015 - Demografic changes in the Woodworking Industry [EN] [FR] [DE]
2014 - Bolster-Up Handbook for European Furniture Professions
2012 - Nano in Furniture
2011 - Foster VET Mobility
2010 - Less dust
2010 - Reduction of formaldehyde exposure in woodworking industries