Rue Royale 45, 1st floor, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Running EU projects

Decentralized Thematic Social Dialogue for the Construction Industry - Desoco 2


The European construction sector is a diverse and rapidly evolving space. Recognising the need for structured communication, the European Social partners of the construction sector, EFBWW and FIEC, initiated one of the first European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees in the 1990s. Over the years, both organisations have consistently highlighted their commitment to sustainable industrial relations.

The DESOCO 2 project is a continuation of this commitment. This project seeks to strengthen industrial relations in the construction sector in a decentralised and thematic way, particularly with regards to central and eastern European countries. Central to the project's aims is the discussion of social and economic challenges that might shape the future of the construction labour market, specifically in areas of employment, health and safety, and vocational education and training.

Key objectives of the DESOCO 2 project include:

Promotion of European Social Dialogue at National Levels:
Encourage European Social Dialogue at the national level, while also pushing for greater involvement from national social partners, especially from the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs), in the European Social Dialogue for the construction industry.

Capacity Building for National Social Partners:
Reinforce the capacity of national social partners to better engage in social dialogue, aiding in the development of industrial relations.

Greater Social Partners' Involvement in EU Policymaking:

Aim to include social partners more prominently in EU policymaking processes.

Addressing Future Challenges:
Engage in dialogues focusing on social and economic challenges that will influence the construction labour market in the coming years.

To accomplish these goals, over a two-year period, FIEC and EFBWW will organise four thematic meetings in various Central and Eastern European countries.