Rue Royale 45, 1st floor, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Running EU projects

Resilient Wood


Anticipate changes, increase attractiveness, build skills and inclusiveness in the Woodworking Industries in times of crisis

The CEI-Bois led project together with EFBWW, Woodwize and FCBA aims to offer recommendations to tackle specific challenges in the Woodworking Industries through strengthened social dialogue. The project focuses on the adaptation of the industry and its outlook after the Covid-19 crisis, including the adaptation needs linked to expected technological changes and the need to increase the attractiveness of the sector for skills attraction and retention, with special attention given to gender balance in the WI. Possible solutions to these challenges will be investigated through a cooperation involving social partners and VET providers.

The project builds on a strong transnational dimension. To implement it the partners will conduct research and collect data from 5 countries (BE, FR, HR, IT, SE) and the European Sawmill sector, identify key findings, share best practices and propose strategies on how to tackle the above-mentioned social challenges of the WI in Europe. The project is further supported and implemented by EOS, the Croatian Wood Cluster, FILCA-CISL and the Union of Forestry, wood and graphical workers.


  1. Provide social partners with an overview of the latest developments of the woodworking sector in Europe, including the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as expected technological and organisational changes within woodworking companies.
  2. Stimulate the joint social partners’ discussion on 4 specific issues through dedicated workshops:
    • Adaptation of the industry and outlook after the Covid-19 pandemic and crisis,
    • Gender equality in the industry,
    • Expected technological changes in the industry and adaptation needs,
    • Increasing the attractiveness of the sector through education.

3. Develop recommendations and guidelines for companies, VET and public authorities to overcome the above-mentioned challenges, to be presented in the final report and final conference of the project.

4. Disseminate results within and outside the membership base of the European social partners of the woodworking sector.

About the project
The project Resilient Wood is funded by the European Union and is granted under the Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines (SOCPL) funding.


THE RESILIENTWOOD PROJECT PARTNERS PUT FORWARD A SERIES OF RECOMMENDATIONS TO BUILD A STRONG EUROPEAN WOODWORKING INDUSTRY. The 2-year EU funded project of which EFBWW was partner together with its Swedish GS and Italian FILCA-CISLaffiliates is coming to an end.

The final conference took place on 4th September 2024 in Brussels and featured a series of presentations on expected technological changes in the woodworking industries, mobility and Erasmus+ for apprentices, inclusiveness in the workplace and how to attract the young generation in the timber industries.  The final study is now available in English (EN version) together with the European woodworking social partner and project partners recommendations (EN; DE ; FR ; HR ; IT ; LV ; NL; PL ; RO ; SE) on how to anticipate changes, increase attractiveness and build skills and inclusiveness in the woodworking industries. You can download the documents below.